Monday, 30 June 2014
Justice - for whom?
As demonstrated by "The Spirit Level", trust [as well as health] is lower in countries with higher income difference, which has gone out of control in UK. An alternative government which prioritises social justice is more likely to create a culture of mutual trust. Can a society in these days be less unequal? The gulf between richest and poorest is almost half in the Nordic countries that in USA and UK.
Labour must return to power, with an agenda to restore justice for all: detection and prosecution focused on the crimes which most damage the country, tax fraud, digital theft, financial malfeasance, people trafficking, unfair rents and employment practices, on a national or international level; but at a local level, crime prevention through local knowledge and a presence in communities, with mediation, community resolution and restorative justice as tools to keep costs down and reduce prosecution and imprisonment for those least equipped to function in society. Labour can be the ground-breaking Party which decriminalises drug-taking, to expose and squeeze out the illegal dealers and introducing controls to make safe what people buy and consume.
By targeting the right resources at what most damages society, justice can still be achieved affordably, without removing from those most in need of it the vital resource of legal aid from properly remunerated lawyers. This is everyday justice affecting employment, housing, clinical negligence, and unfair arrest, protecting people instead of criminalising them.
Grayling is failing; Sadiq can succeed.
Tom Serpell
Monday, 23 June 2014
We need a team which expects to win. Sack the doubters, Ed
Labour has been ahead in the polls form months, despite their best endeavours. From what they write one could be forgiven for thinking that Labour was dead in the water, with no hope of victory, yet here we are with a besieged leader, still 4 points ahead, with the new policies gradually unfolding into a story which will regain popularity further; and with a demographic advantage which would see Labour win even at Party parity.
We have to put up with the media bias but surely not internal sniping, presumably by remnants of New Labour still trying to justify themselves. It is totally unacceptable for shadow ministers to brief against the Leader who appointed them, whose loyalty he is entitled to assume. Ed M should find out who these are and remove them summarily. Just as the best of England's football team were the new blood, so let us go into the election with a new, talented young team, supportive of Ed Miliband, rather than one containing rotten apples whose malign influence can only damage the motivation of the thousands of volunteers working for a Labour win. They are certainly entitled to expect a cohesive, loyal team as they strive for a Government which will make Britain a fairer country.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
What is going on in Birmingham's schools?
Monday, 9 June 2014
Labour's choice of words
There may be a cost of living issue, as food and energy prices rise, but this mantra is beginning to sound stale and even misses the point. For many in our unequal society it it not so much that costs have gone up as that incomes are artificially and ideologically depressed by this vicious oligarchy of wealthy elitists. With millions out of work not receiving a Living benefit and millions more in work which does not pay basic bills, the political failure must be seen as one of pay rather than of prices.
Until Labour articulates the realities of life for those it seeks to represent, it will continue to look like another metropolitan clique, instead of an empathetic friend. UKIP has illustrated the power of simple messages which hit the spot for their minority following, now Labour needs to do the same for the majority by correctly diagnosing the problems people face and saying how it will govern, preferably very differently from the Coalition. Let's hear more about social security, independent living and proper pay; and less about strengthening banks, more austerity and tired old phrases.
Monday, 2 June 2014
#Labour must challenge the Establishment not be part of it
Labour under Blair strove and succeeded in becoming a part of The Establishment, friend to bankers, media bosses and big business. It is surely time to return to Labour as a movement for change, challenging the powers that be. The 1% represented so consistently by the Tories controls not only a disproportionate amount of the wealth and earnings of capitalism but also of the levers of power. Labour leaders increasingly try to look and act like these, instead of representing the 99% and trying to change the power base.
There is both a tribal vote for Labour and support for it as a party with values and principles, particularly relating to fairness. Farage, Le Pen and Tsipras have shown that there is a desire on the part of voters to be led by people who connect with them and who are prepared to stand up to the powerful, stand up for the weak, and have the courage to endure some unpopularity in the name of doing what is needed.
Labour is and should be the party of Europe; of women; of ethnic minorities; of the disabled; of the economically excluded - and say so, even if some powerful interests do not like this.